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5 Step Path to Living Yinly

burnout prevention life & health

When someone asks you how you are… have you ever replied with “I am so busy”?

In the past, I know I have. It’s just become the norm, right? Everyone talks about how busy they are – almost as though the busier you are, the more productive, successful & effective you think you will be.

What if I had to tell you that in fact, the opposite is true!

Do you know – and it’s a proven fact – that multitasking leads to a 40% reduction in productivity & when you are multitasking you are putting yourself into the intellectual range of an eight-year-old! 

In modern society, everyone is busy! 

It’s as if the busier you are, the more successful, productive and superhuman you are seen by the world. 

You are running around with a thousand balls in the air, juggling all of them at the same time, while simultaneously trying to hold it all together. Of course, we all do this with a smile plastered on our face, and with happy-looking photos on our social media feed… because heaven help us if anyone knew how we really felt. 

How do you truly feel? Do you even know? Or are you too busy to fully connect with yourself? 

Take a minute from your busy schedule, inhale & slowly exhale three deep breaths and notice how your body feels. 

A little exhausted, overwhelmed, frazzled, anxious, stressed, burnt out? 

It’s not just you. It’s how we are living our lives & what we are teaching our children.

In this day and age, we have glorified BUSY! 

And where has that left us? How is that affecting other areas of your Life: your relationships, your health, your work? What is it going to take for you to slow down… a heart attack, or breast cancer perhaps? 

We live in this Yang world where it is celebrated to strive, achieve, do, to push through, to man up…. and I don’t know about you, but I find it all quite exhausting! 

We can’t be in that space all of the time.

But, what if there was another way to live?

What if you could manifest your desires, by doing less?

What if you could stress less & live more, do less & be more, strive less & thrive more?

Well, you can! 

Just because you are running on the hamster wheel with everyone else in your reality doesn’t mean this is the only way of living.

Trust me. There is another way! 

By… Living Yinly


By bringing more Yin to your Yang, you can slow down, tune in, let go, wake up… and LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE!

I believe that every human is meant to shine, to live their best life and to share their light… but without burning out & losing themselves in the process!

It’s not going to change overnight. You are not going to all of a sudden wake up feeling calm, stress-free, content, connected and at peace. 

It’s a process. But with the right tools & techniques, you can empower yourself – and inspire those around you – to create more balance, freedom & bliss in your life!

What does Living Yinly mean?

The word Yinly means – gently, slowly, softly, peacefully, quietly, openly, tenderly, lovingly, patiently, consciously, mindfully, compassionately, kindly, simply, deeply, wisely, subtly, gracefully … Yinly 

Living Yinly empowers you to bring more Yin to your Yang so you can stress less & live more.

It’s a holistic and natural concept that I have developed, which combines: my 20 years of personal and professional experience, ancient healing tools, plus modern sciences and Life Coaching techniques.

Why are you not Living Yinly?

You are not ‘Living Yinly’ because of the demands you feel from society, your inner circle, and mostly the pressures that you put on yourself.

As women, you feel guilty if you take some time for yourself. You don’t ever give yourself permission to take some time off and just ‘BE’ because it is your role to nurture and look after everyone else.

For men, you feel pressurised to succeed, to be the provider and have the best car/house/job for you and your family.

We are pressurised by the ‘shoulds’ of modern society – By 30 we ‘should’ be married, by 40 we ‘should’ have children, by 50 we ‘should’ have made our millions! We are regularly being bombarded by what we ‘should’ be doing.

You push, and strive and rush around until your body gives in, you have a midlife crisis, or you get to 65 years old and wonder “what have I done with my life?”

Now, don’t get me wrong; a certain amount of Yang & taking action energy is needed. Otherwise, nothing would ever get done.

But when we are continually in that stressed-out space and pushing all the time – always in that adrenaline zone – it starts to affect all areas of our life. 

But Living Yinly doesn’t mean going to the other extreme and only being in that Yin space. My Yin yoga teacher, Nik Robson, says, “Yin Yoga is medicine for the modern world” because it brings our very Yang life back into balance. Living Yinly is about being MORE Yin… bringing more Yin to your Yang so you can come back to balance & harmony.


How can you live more Yinly?

I am an authority on this subject of being too Yang and “just suck it up and put your big girl panties on” because I have been there myself (read more about my burnout recovery journey here). 

Over the years – after recovering from burnout – I have gathered all my personal experiences, stories from my Life Coaching and Yoga clients which I have worked with over my 13 years of being in the wellness industry, the wisdom that I have learned from teachers, gurus and ancient sages… and now I share this knowledge with you!

I am passionate about empowering people to create more balance, freedom & harmony in their lives! And so, to support you (and myself) on this journey, I’ve developed the ‘5 Step Path to Living Yinly’.

The ‘5 Step Path to Living Yinly’ guides and empowers you to radically transform & redesign the five major areas of your life – Lifestyle habits, Health, Work, Relationship & Abundance. It’s a combination of ancient wisdom (Traditional Chinese Medicine, Yoga & Ayurveda) as well as modern processes (Life Coaching).

5 Step Path to Living Yinly

Step #1 – Let Go

Let go of what is holding you back from living your best life!

What is draining your energy, and what limiting beliefs are no longer serving you in your life? How you can clear the path and overcome obstacles!

This first step is about letting go of what no longer serves you, about rewriting your story and ultimately, consciously choosing to create more freedom, harmony and happiness in your Life.

Step #1 looks at your LIFESTYLE HABITS and choices and empowers you to redesign your life and take your power back… but in a gentle, compassionate and Yinly way! 

Step #2 – Recharge

Nurture your body, mind and soul!

How is stress impacting your health? How can you increase your energy and decrease anxiety or fatigue… but by doing less!

Self-care tools and simple healthy habits – that you can realistically implement into your daily routine – assist you to stress less and live more, give less and receive more, do less and relax more, Yang less, and Yin more.

Step #2 looks at your HEALTH, and how you can recharge your batteries – because without your health… you have nothing! 

Step #3 – Envision

Envision your dreams and plan your best life!

 Know your unique gifts and purpose! Get clarity on what, why, who and how you can create your ideal life from a work perspective. How you can do what you love, love what you do and get paid for it!

Step #3 Looks at your WORK and how to envision and plan, so you feel charged, motivated and ready to inspire the world… but without burning out along the way! 

Step #4 – Flourish

Create healthy & happy relationships with yourself and your loved ones!

Discover how to give AND receive and open your heart to invite loving relationships into your Life. How you can increase your self-worth, self-love and self-acceptance, so you feel radiant, alive and loved!

Step #4 is about RELATIONSHIPS and going out into the world, opening your heart, taking action on living a life you love and fully experiencing and expressing love. But in a healthy, nourishing and nurturing way… and without losing yourself in the process!

Step #5 – Manifest

Manifest magic and abundance into your Life!

Bust your money myths, create positive beliefs and discover how to manifest abundance through many different forms.

Step #5 Looks at ABUNDANCE and how you don’t have to kill yourself working to be successful! The more you slow down and tune in, the more you are open to receiving the gifts of the Universe!


Each of the steps has a BODY • MIND • SOUL section which includes:

BODY – Lifestyle and healing tips, Yoga sessions, nutritional suggestions
MIND – Meditations, guided visualizations, breathing techniques
SOUL – Life Coaching tools

Therefore empowering and supporting you to come back to balance, invite more freedom and feel more blissful in that particular area in your life.


There are various ways in which you can invite the concept of ‘Living Yinly’ into your Life according to where you are at and what it is that you require at this particular stage and time in your life.

If you are…

Busy, time poor, stressed, overwhelmed and yet wish for some self-care support and inspiration?

THEN  Get the REDESIGN YOUR LIFE Online 10 Week Life Transformation Program where you will learn the exact step-by-step process on how to REDESIGN YOUR LIFE and be able to do the online program all in your own time.

REDESIGN YOUR LIFE – 10 week online Life Transformation program

If you are…

Sharni Quinn REDESIGN YOUR LIFE 1:1 Coaching

If you are…

  • Wishing to take some time out on a luxury pampering holiday in paradise?
  • THEN – Join our SUPERWOMAN UNPLGGED Retreat on Bali and Nusa Lembongan Island where you spend 7 days in blissful paradise with Sharni and like-minded inspiring ladies where you get to embody the ‘5 Step Path to Living Yinly’.

REDESIGN YOUR LIFE Bali Retreats with Sharni Quinn

If you would like Sharni to be your next inspirational speaker and share this message of ‘Living Yinly’ at your workspace, next Women’s Wellness event or conscious festival – then set up a call with her here and you can chat about how she can support you and your team to stress less & live more!

5 Podcast Episodes by Wonderful Women

Aug 11, 2023

10 Top tips for visiting beautiful Bali after the Pandemic

Aug 22, 2022

5 Step Path to Living Yinly

Sep 04, 2019

My Life-changing Burnout Recovery Journey

Jan 20, 2019